We have over 500 colors of Aquatic Glassel, otherwise known as fireplace glass rocks. We are innovators in our industry and we are always developing new products; like our VORTEX!
We had to put our 3 headed dog in the shot.
All the above colors are a part of our new display and the colors below are our new line of Drops.
This is our first display at the Orange County Home Show and many more to follow (Bruce Dizigns of Claremont, California was the host). As you can see we went to show displaying over 65 products and in our next show on 11/07/03 we will be introducing seven more colors and "Aquatic Glassel Toppings" as an added product to enhance even more than we could before. Keep watching, were growing and growing. By the way, our competition RAN AWAY at the show, sorry guys.(fire on ice folks!)