FireGlass , fire glass, fire glass, fireplace, fire pit, modern fireplaces fire pits,
Moderustic Aquatic Glassel Fireplace Glass Rocks Propane FireplacesModerustic Aquatic Glassel Fireplace Glass Rocks Propane Fireplaces 909 989 6129

Pale Lime Green G269CF Topper

Pale Lime Green G269 1

The fireplace below has:

A Clear base with Pale Lime Green Topper, Red Toppings, Yellow Amber Toppers and Toppings, Copper Ruby Red Topper, and a hint of Starfire Base Glass to lighten the color up.

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This is how easy it is to install. This is all glass and if you need to build it up a little or a lot then use a filler to save money


The fire pit below has an Azurlite Base Glass with Azurlite Reflective Base Glass on top. Then Topped with Pale Lime Green Topper and Aqua Marine Topper.
table 1
table 2

The fireplace below a

Starfire Base Glass with

Copper Blue Topper

Cobalt Blue Topper

Dark Red Orange Topper

Cherry Red Topper

Jade Green Topper

Lime Green Topper

Pale Lime Green Topper

Black Topper

and Lilac Topper

What make us different from anyone else is what we offer you as a selection. We offer hundreds of colors, sizes, textures, variations, categories and more importantly we set the standard which everyone else can only try to imitate us. We welcome your comments and suggestions so please send us your comments.Imitation is the highest form of flattery, thank you.

chris 3

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chris 1

Click HERE to PURCHASE in the E-STORE!


The fireplace pictures below is a before and after fireplace.
The glass that was installed is:
Galaxy Green Base Glass,

Clear Diamonds,

You be the judge, a very nice mix of colors. Many times better than the BEFORE!
Julia Colon 1
Julia Colon 2
Just the Cobalt Blue Topper is installed above and below.
Julia Colon 2
Julia Colon 3
Julia Colon 4
Julia Colon 5
Julia Colon 6
Julia Colon 7
Julia Colon 8

The fire pit table below is one of our newer table designs. The customer used a Starfire Base Glass and Topped it with Copper Blue Topper, Lime Green Topper with a few Black Luster Topper accents.We built the aluminum framed table and used their granite.

ps fire pit 2

ps fire pit 1



The four combinations below were requested by a customer so we did the mock ups and send them the pictures.
Clear Evergreen Lime Green 1
Clear Evergreen Lime Green 2
Clear Evergreen Lime Green 3
Clear Evergreen Lime Green 4
Clear Lime Green 1
Clear Lime Green 2
Clear Lime Green 3
Clear Lime Green 4
Clear Pale Olive 1
Clear Pale Olive 2
Clear Pale Olive 3
Clear Pale Olive 4
Clear Evergreen Pale Olive 1
Clear Evergreen Pale Olive 2
Clear Evergreen Pale Olive 3
Clear Evergreen Pale Olive 4 909-989-6129

9467 9th street Unit D

Rancho Cucamonga, California 91730


Our Glass is SAFE and See Why!

Safe Glass
 We  Appreciate Your Comments & Feed Back. Please
Send Your E-mails or Click HERE to Submit a Survey!

909-989-6129  Fax: 909-944-3811 
or E-mail us at | 909-989-6129

9467 9th street Unit D

Rancho Cucamonga, California 91730


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New FireBalls Version 2024

Moderustic Aquatic Glassel Fireplace Glass Rocks Propane Fireplaces